Tuesday 15 December 2015

We usually eat at the mall's food court when we are out on weekdays. Because Fridays are an unspoken day for no cooking, we will go out. I do not want K to think that we always go out for good food and then grows up expecting that this things come easy, all the time.

But the hubs decide to indulge a little today. And we had dinner at Swensen's! The kid's set looked so cute on the menu that I just have to order it. And when the actual meal arrived, I'm glad I did! The food tasted as good as it looked! The little thing in the pot of corn is a miniature shovel! And we can bring it back home and grow some seedlings in the little container.

Anyway, we had beef rice which strangely, K couldn't finish so I am glad I didn't order a separate meal.
On another note, I was on medical leave yesterday due to flu! I could feel it coming since last Wednesday but managed to keep it under control but on Sunday, it became full blown. I hate the antibiotics that I have been prescribed. It makes me feel very hungry. Oh well, glad I'm recovering after a day of rest at home.

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