Monday 21 December 2015

I bought a mason drink dispenser with the thought that it'll be easier when we have parties. We can make, now that it's been received very well, lemongrass drink and leave it to guests to help themselves instead of having to worry if everyone has got a drink. 

The Salahudeens have a old-school drink container where the uncles and aunties use a cup-like container at the end of a long plastic holder to scoop the drink to pour into a cup. I still see it at hawker centres but it's kind of messy because not everyone is going to carefully ensure all the liquid goes into their cup.

So I finally found a glass mason dispenser and love it so much!
But on Saturday, when the hubs filled the dispenser and left to pick up the turkey etc, I noticed the jug was leaking but didn't think much about it until he returned home and found the drink dripping onto the floor! If you look at the photo in my previous post, you can imagine how much of drink was leaking out from that height!

Anyway, we were debating whether to return the jug with me saying no as I had removed the sticker on the container and threw away the card inside. The husband says yes but after church yesterday, we were all too tired.

So today, with the encouragement of my receptionist, we went back to the departmental store to have it changed. The very nice sales staff tested it and found out that not only did the water leaked from the base, it was leaking from the tap as well! She asked me to choose a new one and did a test as well and again, the same thing happened. Finally, the 2nd new piece was tested and was ok. I was hesitant to change it initially because I was afraid that it might be a fruitless trip. Especially since I had thrown away the card inside as well as removed the sticker on the jug. But the PRC service staff was so patient and helpful. Thankfully, I still have the receipt.

Anyway, I hope this is going to last for a long while yet. It's so pretty to be used for only once or twice.

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