Tuesday 22 December 2015

The town council carried out fumigation today and guess what was all over the floor at the laundry area when I returned home after work.
I wonder if taping the chute with masking tape will help. I guess I'll know at the next fumigation exercise. Thankfully, the baby roaches were probably concussed and I could quickly clear them. Hopefully, that's all to them and I do not find anymore hidden elsewhere. Speaking of which, the hubs and I have seen the adult ones and they are big!

Well, pros and cons of having a rubbish chute within the house. Pros are; we or I clear the bin easily and if the bin is quite clean, we can throw food stuff straight into the chute. Cons; well, with the new automated chute system in my estate, they aren't much really other than how noisy it can get when rubbish gets thrown from upstairs.

Yes, our estate has the automated chute system where refuse gets sucked underground into the centralised refuse area thus we do not see anymore of those old school garbage carts opening and collecting refuse at certain times of the day. Thus, there is no smell and so much cleaner. And that makes a lot of difference when you stay on the 4th floor. Even at a new estate like our previous home, where the refuse bin was outside the homes, the ground floor was not exactly a pleasant sight as the garbage truck still comes to clear the refuse and you have the noise, the smell and the pests especially for people who stay lower down.

Kudos to automation! Lol...

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