Wednesday 16 December 2015

Just as I was in the bus, on the way to pick K up from school, the hubs text to say that he will pick her up. So I alighted at the next bus-stop after the usual one when I need to pick K up and made my way home. While walking, the hubs drove by and K called out to me. And then, the hubs suggested eating out.

I think I spoke to soon but we were again, eating at a restaurant. Their style is a little like the old sizzler, where you could help yourself to the salad bar when you order a main. Looking at the salad bar made me realise that I should have just chosen to eat from there. There were prawns, the usual salad and more, soups, pasta, fruits, jelly and ice-cream. And because I've got my bonus, I treated this time. 

The hubs also bought home a huge durian! After K slept, both of us had a few seeds while seated on the kitchen floor and had to keep the rest in the fridge. 
Maybe I'll have some of them for dinner tomorrow as it'll only be K and I, with the hubs out for a dinner gathering. Hmm...that's a thought. Lol.

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