Sunday 27 December 2015

We brought the 2 girls to Chinese Garden on Saturday morning, after breakfast. We had wanted K to learn how to ride the kick-scooter there but apparently, you cannot bring in bicycles, skateboards or scooters into the park. The security made sure you leave them at the entrance and I like how the security made sure the rules are not flouted. It is afterall a park and everyone should enjoy their stroll or jog without having to look out for kids on their kick-scooter or some mad man on his bicycle.

We had wanted to visit the turtle museum but didn't have enough money with us so we ventured around the park and chanced upon these 2 monitor lizards playing with each other. We ended up spending 1 1/2 hours in the park!
In 2020, the Science Centre will move to near Chinese Garden and if we're still staying here, it will be within walking distance for us and there is really no need for us to venture out to town with so many good shops and facilities where we stay!

I made lunch again and then the 3rd SIL came to pick Esther home, after which K took her nap. In the evening, we were back again to Jerry's for dinner.

We have been fairly well-rested over this long weekend but I have been too lazy to mop the house. Yes, I have not mopped the house since Thursday evening and thankfully, everyone was very considerate. All I could bring myself to do was magic-clean the house, take down the christmas decorations and kept the christmas tree.

In the evening, I made fried rice. A dish I have not made in a while. Since we took some ham left over from the party, I decided instead of cooking it with different dishes and having the hubs complain about eating ham for the next few days, might as well use it for fried rice. And today's Olive Fried Rice was divine! Yumz!

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