Wednesday, 1 April 2015

The 2nd SIL from the hubs' side whatsapped me in the late morning, asking how were we. I was taken aback but truth to be done, I had wanted to message her yesterday too. Especially after noticing that the hubs had exited from a group chat that he had created for his immediate family as well as the one with the extended family on the FIL's side which was created by the 2nd BIL. But the 2nd BIL added him back and I too, exited from the immediate family chat group. But I held myself back as I didn't want to create any unnecessary attention should the SIL not know anything.

Anyhow, I decided to speak to the SIL instead of sending messages to and fro. And found out that there was apparently some argument between the hubs and the FIL on Sunday morning. The FIL had apparently made a big fuss even after the phone conversation ended. The FIL accused the hubs of simply informing him that we would be moving into their new place on a certain date instead of 'asking for permission'. I believe or at least I had been reminding the hubs to check with his father so I'm not sure if the FIL has forgotten that the hubs did ask or did the hubs only asked the MIL, who, in every sense or the word, cannot be depended upon and cannot make any decision whatsoever. The MIL, is liken to a puppet. She will not step in to appease any conflicts neither does she act on behalf of her children. 

Anyway, since I half-expected no help will come from the PILs, I do not want to comment any further but I think it's pretty obvious why I feel the way I do towards them. Especially after so many incidences. The hubs is now arranging to see if we can view any place we can rent for a couple of months. The one that was offered by his club member is already taken up. The 2nd BIL and his wife did offer the hubs but I believed he is not keen to stay with them, especially since he will then have to see his parents everyday then. Oh well, we'll see how it goes....


  1. Oh dear... Sounds very complicated now. But it wasn't surprising that the in laws screwed you guys over.

    1. On hindsight, I take it as a Blessing in disguise.
