We dropped by the youngest BIL's home after church today to pick up the last remaining box of our items. The boxes at Jerry's have been brought home yesterday. And after a short nap, I started on my task.
I wanted to do a thorough job especially since K was bitten by ants over the weekend. I've seen the black ants crawling about but wasn't too alarmed as they were mostly alone. Having sorted everything nicely, I wanted to give the balcony a good wash and the rest of the house a thorough mop through. Since she was bitten, the hubs thinks by some insects but somehow I think they are ant bites, the clean-up became more urgent.
The hubs was tasked to buy dinner after clearing some stuff from the balcony and here is what I found!
My worst fear with all these holes. And we've got a couple around the house that still needs patching up. The hubs has temporary sealed the hole and hopefully, we see no more of these critters. The house is now cleaner but I believe it will be a few more mops before the water doesn't become so black. But it was such a good work-out!
I have yet to compile the before and after photos, which I promise I will do so, very shortly.
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