Sunday, 5 July 2015

The hubs had a strategic meeting at work today and so K and I took the train ride to church. I know I should start driving again but......I'm just too lazy to get behind the wheels. After church, Jeremy decided to come to our home and he's a nice kor-kor like that. The last time when the hubs was away to attend a wedding in Malaysia, he sent us back to the youngest BIL's too during the time when we were staying there. But the hubs pointed out later that it was because of K that he was sending us home. -_-

Anyhow, both my brothers made plans for a durian party at my home. The hubs who initially told me that his meeting would end about 5ish, surprised me when he came home soon after we reached home. At 3ish, the 3 men went off for the durian hunt and came back with this:
Finally, I am able to enjoy the goodness with company! There have been so many posting of durians, thanks to abundant supply, on FB and the hubs bought me a box when I started saying I feel like eating after all that temptation. Otherwise, I am very neutral to them. As for the hubs, although he doesn't dislike them, he can live without them.

Just enjoying these made us quite full and so our company left for home. The hubs intend to have another 'durian party' for friends. Once our sofa is replaced, they sent us the wrong colours, and the rest of everything else is nicely put away.

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