Wednesday 3 February 2016

We had reunion dinner with the hubs' family yesterday evening. The FIL's Nepali SIL sort of made a self-invite by asking when would the dinner be and thus, we had to invite the 2 families. Although we were all not exactly keen. But what to do. Someone has asked and we can't find a good reason to tell them that they are not invited.

Anyway, after dinner, we went up to the PIL's home and chit-chatted. The youngest SIL and I mainly chatted between ourselves. She'll be bringing the NIL back to her hometown during the entire first week of the Lunar New Year and I dread to even think of the boredom I will face when we visit the relative's home. The hubs will be gamblig away with the oldies and I will be forgotten for that couple of hours. So many times I've thought of leaving and going back on my own. Maybe I should just do that instead of only thinking about it.

My side of the family reunion will be on the eve of Lunar New Year itself and my pot-luck dish will be beef stew.  Which reminds me. I'm left with only 5 more days to spring clean! Urgh...

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