Tuesday, 23 June 2015

I'm not sure whether to feel happy or frustrated. To take it as a compliment or feel angry. Only in our 2nd day, not including the weekend, the hubs asked not once when I was going to start cooking again. He claims to miss my cooking. 

But somehow, being the OCD that I am, I cannot settle in properly with so many boxes still lying around. Most of our shoes are in paper carriers, in the storeroom, while waiting for the carpenter to fix the full height shoe cabinet. Most of the unopened toiletries too, are waiting to be placed in the yet to be cabinet in the master bath. Our dining table is strewn with odds and ends and the sofa will only be delivered on Thursday. If we're still enthusiastic about inviting friends over for a gathering, it'll probably only happen next month. So, if you're wondering why the invitation didn't come, you know why, here.

I told the hubs to let me please settle in first. This is afterall our first week. But today, he decides to go NTUC to buy groceries. He has a evening meeting tomorrow and I suggested to go the BIL's the day after to collect the last remaining box and on Friday, he is meeting up with Kenneth and Mavi. Ok, maybe I'm considering too much, He may want to start with the non-perishables first so that we can start cooking anytime we want. We'll see. At the meantime, please wait for my update here.


  1. Crazy! How can cook after only 1 week?! You will have plenty to do with all the unpacking and cleaning up and organizing. There's no way you can cook and clean up after. Tell him to go do it if he wants to. It takes about 2 weeks before you can even think about cooking. Best to sort out the kitchen first then do the rest of the rooms. All in all, the main stuff will be done in a month. The decorative stuff will be done slowly in the coming months, depending on how long R will take to do any of the DIY stuff, if he knows how to do any.

  2. Update: We bought canola oil, darik sauce,light sauce, chiil sauce, table salt, pasta, pesto etc and no perishables yet. :)

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