Monday 14 October 2013

The hubs and I are on leave today and that means we've got a long weekend with baby K, with tomorrow, being a public holiday. :) My plan for today was to bring her for a dip at the pool. Initially, we had wanted to go to the club where we are members at but knowing that the children area is fairly small, I suggested the public pool in front of where my family used to stay. 

Although a public pool, it has a lazy river, slides, a wave pool, a kid's's almost like a pool in a theme park! But as murphy law goes, most public pools close on Mondays for cleaning and we ended up bringing her to SAFRA where the hubs has free membership to. The hubs brought baby K to the children's section which she wasn't too keen with, what with the water pouring from the top and she accidentally slipped and went under-water twice. Nope, she didn't make a fuss about it because importantly, the parents didn't. She ended up settling quite happily in a cavity of a salamander's back and when the hubs and I asked if she would like to go back to the water play section, she said no.

Although I had planned for the outing to be before lunch, the sky was over-cast and being the kiasi daddy, the hubs said no. The weather turned out fine and was in fact, such nice weather that I insisted while baby K was napping that we should just go ahead. By then, I had taken a shower and was too lazy to have my hair wet with chlorine and having to wash it again. 

Having had all that fun, I don't think we'll bring her to a public pool again so soon. The shower head in the children's bath area could not be pulled out and it was a challenge having to wash her hair without water dripping over her face. Something which she doesn't like. Well, at least we tried and we know the challenges and, something to cross out on my to-do list with her.

And talking about to-do lists, we were finally able to take a ride on a double-decker with her! After she woke up from her nap yesterday, the hubs suggested that we take a bus ride to Orchard and at the same time, buy something for baby K. Having to sit in the car most of the time, I reckon that rides on the bus and train gives her a different exposure and thrill. What else should a child be doing but learn and have fun along the way! :)

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