Thursday 19 September 2013

As I look out of the window while doing baby K's laundry, I saw so many children at the park downstairs with lanterns. It was a lovely sight and one that reminded me of my childhood days. It was a scene that did not affect me at all pre-baby K and it struck such a sweet emotion now, post baby K, that I text Janice about it and when she did look out of her windows, she exclaimed and was surprised too, by the number of children mingling downstairs. It'll be our turn next year, at that same spot. Lol.

Having said that, the office received so many mooncakes, this year especially, and almost everyday, my colleagues are offering everyone else some. This year, some how, I developed a strong dislike to the food of the season. Maybe because there were too many going around and also I do not like the strong taste of the yolk. It's super unhealthy too, no? 

What I do like though are the boxes! Lol....I think the mid-autumn festival is the only time where we see lovely packaging. And whenever I see a very nice one, I'll request for it. I do not know what I'll do with them yet but I'm sure they'll come in useful. 

To soak in the joy of the season, I ate a Snow-skinned Chocolate Truffel with Ganache mooncake. :) A gift that we received which no one in the house, other than myself, have eaten. :p

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