Tuesday, 4 July 2017

I finally decided to pass this bag on. My first bag from this brand and was the first time I spent so much on a handbag for work.
I've been telling myself it has served it's time. It is perhaps no longer in the original colour which I first bought it. Some parts of the fabric are worn because of friction and the insides are dirty. Sentimental, the only bag I carry every Mondays to Thursdays to work. I've got many other bags but do not have the habit of changing. And then I have bags only for weekends.

I tell myself the next time the flyer comes to ask for unwanted items, I should donate this. It is not broken in anyway. As if to justify, I showed the hubs the bag and he says such a pity but I showed him the insides and the parts caused by friction. 

Still has got a long life ahead but first world problems, I can now use my more expensive leather handbag. :p

Goodbye bag. You have served me very well.

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