Sunday 19 June 2016

It has been such a long day today. First we had Father's Day lunch fellowship in church, then we went over to pick up some stuff from Pauline. Stuff to bless the new Nephew-in-law with. We stayed for awhile with K like a bigger jie-jie to Pauline's chubby 11-month old baby girl. They had 4 bags of stuff to bless!

After that, we drove over to the Victor's home to pass Kenneth his house key because they were away on holiday and passed their house key to the hubs for potential viewings. We chatted outside the car for awhile because K was napping but woke up shortly after anyway. 

We are all sadden by the sudden death of the Pannu's child. Such a pretty teenager she was but how sad her circumstances were. Her death happened on Thursday and we were all taken aback by it when we found out. Their child together, is an ex-childcare mate of K's and we were much closer before. Somehow, they withdrew themselves from us all. The men do not know why but we'll see. Anyway, I cannot imagine how devastated the mother feels. No one, no one can ever feel how she does but I hope she knows everyone is here to support her. 

After that, we were off to the 2nd BIL's. We had planned to pick them up from the hospital initially but thankfully, a friend of theirs was able to do that. So we went straight to their place and waited downstairs until they arrived. 

We got down to 'work' for everything to do with the baby in the house. He is so cute, my womb is itching. He looks different from the other NIL and even K. I guess because both the parents do not look Chinese. He was just sleeping and hardly made any sound. But so small he is. The 2nd SIL is the biggest amongst the 3 of us but her baby came out the smallest.

The PILs arrived at about 7ish and the MIL is supposed to help cook for the SIL. But all the SIL had for her dinner was a plate of chicken with lots of ginger shred and rice. No vegetables, no soup, nothing else. I asked the 2nd BIL to fry an egg for the SIL. Poor thing needs all the nutrition especially since she is breast-feeding! I would cook for her, if I am not working.

We left at almost 9pm, with the hubs and I changing baby's diaper twice and showing them how to sterilise the bottles, use the milk warmer and I helping the SIL fix her breast pump. Although I hated my confinement, I am glad I had a lot more support and love to see me through.

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