Sunday 3 April 2016

K started on her first phonics lesson on Friday, at the CC. We have signed her up because I feel that there are pockets of time that we can put to good use. And as parents, I think we haven't taught her much, if any, at all. But I was quite surprised that the class, 18 children, consisted of varying ages. From the looks of it, it seems that K is the youngest at 4 and the oldest is probably 6. While parents are not allowed to sit in, we can loiter outside the classroom and look right in through the tinted glass windows.

I saw big words like 'nickel', ' necklace' written on the whiteboard. I was told by another parent, when I returned after going for a short walk that different worksheets are given to the children of different age. Well, lets see after the 10 lessons if K learnt anything before I decide to continue her or sign her up at another enrichment centre. I suppose you get what you pay for. The one at the market has 1 teacher to 2-3 children while this one is too big a group. But she enjoyed herself after the first lesson and I guess that's the most important to us.

And yesterday, the hubs and I went to JB for the day while putting K at Jerry's. She did ask her daddy why is he not bringing her along, although she didn't know where we were going. The hubs, felt guilty, and has decided to bring her along next time. The hubs and I, true to our decision to buy less and live a less cluttered 'life', did not buy anything personal at all! All we bought were stuff from the supermarket! It's amazing. Although I did go with the hope to get 2 pairs of working shoes but ended up not not getting any after not seeing anything I like from my favourite store.

We did go for a massage though while the car was put through a proper spa. The car wash and massage parlour is the same outfit. So clever. While owners wait for their vehicles to be polished and waxed, they can while their time away getting a good knead. So that was what the hubs and I did! Almost 2 hours and I do not want K to sit through this, although she might prove to be able to. It will really be 2 hours of boredom for her. The hubs remarked that this is probably one of the better massages he has had and I, on the other hand, am pretty impartial towards the whole massage game. 
Will we go back again? I believe so! :)

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