Thursday, 12 March 2015

I am the most horrible and meanest mother this morning. Something unhappy happened on our way to school and work.

I snatched a little carrier containing 2 pieces of clothes, to be donated, from K's hands when she refused to let it go. She and the hubs have just entered the lift and while quickening my steps to join them, I called out to her to give me the bag. A nearby school was going to collect old newspapers, magazines, clothes and the likes. She playfully refused and when the second time I asked and she said no, I pulled it out from her hands. The hubs, who had been grumbling from the morning and commenting about how I take so long to get ready and that he never gets to reach work on time because he has to send K to school and that I should start sending her blah blah blah. In fact, he threatened that he was going off and that I can send K to school. 

That started it and with K not obediently passing the bag to me and then crying when I snatched it away from her blew it. The hubs had the cheek to tell me not to let it out on her. When the lift door opened, I walked off, not without giving him my piece of mind that he was the one who let it out on her first by complaining and threatening not to send her to school. It's just that we expressed it differently. Throughout, my poor baby was crying. And then I walked off and continued walking despite K crying out 'Mummy, mummy.' 

I started tearing but I still walked on. I gave in to my sinful nature of pride. This has nothing to do with her. I feel so, so bad. I've hurt my sweetheart so much. I prayed for forgiveness. I should not have done what I did. I'm so sorry my baby.

I will apologise to her when I see her later. I will.


  1. Mothers are human beings too.. We have our days. Don't be too harsh on yourself and our little ones have greater benevolent hearts than adults. they will forgive and forget.. We must learn from them

    1. You are right. They are such generous and forgiving beings. We ought to learn to be more like them.
