Saturday 12 July 2014

With the hubs being able to drive his car, we had dinner at Ikea on Tuesday, had dinner at a hawker centre at a nearby estate on Wednesday, went to the supermarket on Thursday after dinner at the nearby hawker centre and I met up with them at Vivo on Friday.

K and I were pretty much stuck at home with the hubs for the past 2 weeks and when we went Ikea on Tuesday, she was so happy that she was humming all the way while we were there! Like a little bird set free!

And today, we met up with the Victors and Whites for dinner and again K had a fun time with the Victor sisters and the White's girl.

For myself, I managed to buy 2 dresses from my favourite label, which is having their sales now. With the hubs now on 1 crutch, I hope I can do some more shopping! Lol.