Wednesday 5 February 2014

We have been having very good weather since what, mid November? We are experiencing cold winds and not so much of the scorching sun. I dread the day when the weather changes back to our high humidity sun scorched temperature. 

We do not even switch the fan on when we sleep at night and on few occasions, I had to close our bedroom door because it was getting too chilly in the middle of the night. Although baby K does not sweat as much now, I wonder if she feels the cold as she does not usually sleep under the covers. But she sleeps between the hubs and myself and I think that's all she really cares for now. :)

On another note, I did not visit any of M's relatives with her this CNY. The only person the hubs and I will visit is likely my godma. Ever since we got married, the hubs and I have been diligently following M on her visitation rounds and it is very tiring. Imagine going to a few homes on 1 day, especially under the hot sun. And we usually have Jerry and his family come along with us, with the exception of last year, when we had James and his ex-wife and her kids. But this year, Jerry went to Malaysia to visit his wife's family on the 1st 2 days and James, I suppose did not want to turn up on his own. It was only last year that he had a family so it's understandable if he wants to avoid all those curious looks and questions.

You can say it's only during this season that extended families get in touch with each other but the other train of thought is, how superficial can it be? As long as the immediate family remains close, I reckon that's the most important. 

1 comment:

  1. I bet the weather will be hot by the time I arrive in mid March. Typical!
    As for extended family, it's like that one. I hardly see my dad's side of the family. Some of them for many years now!
