Tuesday 18 February 2014

It's not common to hear of people saying and thinking aloud that the baby is too young to understand anything. There are so many instances that I can tell them it's not true! 

We hardly, almost never baby talk to baby K. We speak to her like a normal child or even an adult sometimes. She understands and carries out our instructions, sometimes to our amazement. On Sunday, when I was home resting, the 3rd SIL, who happens to be baby K's Sunday School teacher, whatsapped me to ask if I felt better. It was after church but before the hubs reached home.

The 3rd SIL mentioned that baby K had asked the 3rd SIL to pray for 'mummy' when my SIL was asking another boy if he had prayed. And at the end of the lesson, baby K reminded her aunt to pray for me again. It warmed my heart to know that the daily prayers we have with baby K has left an impression on her that we should speak to God everyday. 

I asked the hubs about it when they returned home and he said Ivy commented that baby K is just so mature. I'm not sure as I have never brought up any other child before. Just like how some children are so naughty, they appear spoilt. I think it all boils down to parenting. I'm not saying we have perfect parenting skills. No, we're far from that. So many times, we get so impatient with baby K, it shows. 

What I am saying is, discipline the child when it is due. Spare the rod and spoil the child. It is your child and his behaviour is a reflection of his upbringing.


  1. So sweet! But it's true, we do not baby talk to B as well. And we think he def understands what's happening
