I tendered my resignation yesterday, after 3+ years of service here. Yup, I have an offer, signed on the dotted line and will start work in about 2 months' time.
As much as I like the 'culture' and most of the colleagues here and had intended to stick around for a long time, it didn't work out. How true it is that your immediate manager plays a MAJOR role in your working life. Having a bird of a manager with no EQ especially in the HR department just doesn't cut it. Of course coupled with a pathetic increment, when it's time to go, it's time to go.
I didn't mention about looking out as I didn't want to jinx it. With the employment market looking fairly good, I responded to quite a number of on-line ads. I had 2 interviews, 1 with an American property firm and another, a Norwegian firm in the oil and gas industry. While I went through 2 rounds with the former, the latter came back with an offer 2 weeks later.
The offer was attractive although the leave has gone back to the basic minimum of 14 days for a start. I console myself that with so many leave that I enjoy now, it always becomes a 'struggle' when I have to start clearing them towards the end of the year. And it's not as if I need to take leave every month. Anyhows, the future HR Manager seems a nice person and at least she asks relevant job related questions.
I have been praying about it and I'm glad, with the odds against me like age and the 2 month notice period that I have to serve, God opened the doors of opportunity for me. I hope I do not disappoint.