Sunday 16 October 2016

The 3rd SIL text me on Friday morning to invite us over to their place for dinner. In fact, when she came over on Thursday to borrow a cd, she already mentioned that she was going to cook pumpkin fried rice, which she had just learnt. But the husband didn't bother getting back until she messaged me again to ask. And so after school and work on Friday, we took a stroll to their home in the lovely weather.

As usual, K was delighted to go to their place because Esther plays with her. And after dinner, while waiting for M to make her croissant sandwiches for us to bring home, it started pouring. We could have waited the rain out a little but the hubs kept wanting to go home! So we had to brave the very strong winds and rain and of course got almost drenched walking to the bus-stop because the strong wind just blew the rain into the void decks. But K got to experience what it feels like being caught in the heavy rain. Lol.

On Saturday morning, we picked the eldest SIL up from the train station near our place and the 4 of us made our way to JB for a day trip. We had requested for her to come over in the evening initially because The Victors have invited us to a bar for Gaye's 48th birthday. And being good friends, they really wanted us to be there with some others we know. It's a small group of us really. But the hubs changed his mind and decided to pop by JB for some shopping and eating during the day so Ivy met us mid-morning instead. 

As usual, we enjoyed shopping and feasting and K gets to be allowed to sit on rides, which we do not allow for here. All thanks to the exchange rate.

The drive back after the belly-bursting dinner at a Korean restaurant was smooth and when we got home, the hubs and I showered to change again for the night out. The girl did not even ask where we were going and when I asked her later, she innocently thought that daddy and mummy went to work!

Anyway, we were the last to turn up at the 'party' and I think we all pretty much had fun. I had 2 1/2 bottles of cider and another drink in between which was red bull and a strong mix. I don't know what it is but thankfully, none of us threw up. My workplace has trained me up to be able to hold my drinks better, I think. Lol.

The hubs and I were so tired after lunch today that the 3 of us all napped. The girl napped for 2 hours as well. Thankfully, I could still magic-clean and mopped the house before we went down for dinner. How I can defy age? It took me nearly a week to recover after our 8-day trip to Tokyo and then another day from a late night out. Lol...

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