Tuesday 23 August 2016

During breakfast with the Victors and Whites on Saturday morning, K was talking to the Victors' youngest girl about Singapore's newly crowned Olympian. The gold medalist happens to stay in the same estate as the Victors and they so happened bump into him recently and took some photos.

On Sunday, the girl was talking about him again and this time to Esther. I did not really listen to the conversation but I know she asked both girls if they know Joseph Schooling.

After school yesterday, K was doing this after I salvaged a round cardboard base from the frozen pizza we popped into the oven for Saturday's lunch. And innocent me even suggested to her that she can use it to draw a big smiley face.
My 4 year old teenager was doing what actual teenagers normally do when their favourite boy band comes to town! And all without prompting! She even said she wants to pass this to someone who can pass it to JS.

I need to ask the teachers what have they been telling the children! Children will gradually learn to idolise at a later age but not now. The Victors indulge their 2 girls with boybands paraphernalia. I was never a 'groupie'...and I do not wish K to become one too. Liking the singer for his song is fine. But really, where did my baby go??

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