Tuesday 26 August 2014

Conversations with K

The other day, when the 3 of us were lying on bed, with the hubs already off to his la-la land ( typical), K and I were talking.

K, pointing to her daddy : Eh, why he sleep here? (Obviously trying to be funny)
Me : Who?
K : He (points behind her again). Why he sleep in our room?
Me : Who is he? (Trying to make her say daddy, mummy and mama instead of he and she all the time) Oh, daddy?
K : Yes, why is daddy sleeping in our room?
Me : Hmmm...this is daddy and mummy's room, you know. Hey, why are you sleeping in our room? Why are you not sleeping in your room? Mummy will tidy up the room for you and then you can sleep there ok?
K : I dun wan.
Me : Why?
K : I wan to sleep with daddy and mummy........
Me : Why? But daddy and mummy don't want you to sleep here...ahahahahaahah
K : ........But I so cute right?
Me : ......Who said that?
K : Daddy
Me : ..................

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