I had wanted to go straight home to cook dinner last night but the hubs decided that we should have dinner at Ikea. We ended up paying almost $6 for almost 2 hours of parking as the hubs didn't listen to me to leave the car at the public car park behind K's school. Being Ikea members, we could have spent $5, except from the cafe, and redeemed free parking. But when there's nothing to buy, there's nothing to buy right?
Anyhow, we had a great day today! Good weather for a start, for our Nation's birthday!
K slept in a little longer, which was good for us. The hubs went marketing on his own in the morning while I prepared my one and only Shepherd's pie to bring to his relative's new house for their usual periodic gathering. This is the 2nd time we've visited their new clustered, 5 storey house. I can't imagine the cleaning that they have to do and the electricity bill that comes with the centralised air-conditioning! But nevertheless, it's very kind of them to always host a party at their home.
We were there at about 12noon and the hubs brought K for a swim while I sat by the side. Again, the hubs had to ask me why don't I join them. I find it very difficult having to bathe for K, then myself after a swim. Well, if we're at a hotel, it's a different matter. But at someone else's home, what is K to do waiting in the bathroom while I shower? And I don't want to have wet hair, looking like a dog that just came in from the rain, in a party, do I?
I'm not sure if it was the swim that caused K to be ravenous. She was practically eating non-stop! After the shower, she had some wafers, then she had proper lunch, followed by pastry and the wafers again. When her distant cousin came back home, she brought K and the nephew-in-law down to the basement to watch Frozen and there, K finished up 2 cupcakes!
We left for Jerry's at about 4pm where there was more food as we had a joint birthday celebration for M and Esther. At almost 6pm, she took dinner again! I didn't have much as I was still so full from the non-stop flow of food that was appearing at the hub's relatives' home.
It's definitely so much easier now that K can eat with us when we're out and that we no longer need to bring her food jar along. Except for Sundays, when the 3rd SIL loves to cook for her. I'm glad, at this moment, K enjoys home cooked meals more and as much as I can, I will provide it for her.