Wednesday 25 June 2014

Last night's dinner for K as well as the rest of the family. Rice with some pork rib, lotus root, celery, carrot with peanut and black beans and stir-fried french beans with egg.

After which, she had a palm-length size of corn. Her dinner ended at almost 8pm! First long it lasted for so long. Then slightly after 8, she had a quarter of a big persimmon and her 270ml milk feed was at about 8.30pm. After she finished her milk, she soothed her tummy and told me that she was very full.

Still she woke up before 6am this morning for her milk fix! I reckon the amount she has for dinner is a lot for most 2 year olds. She eats more than my 21 year old niece. 

On Sunday evening, I gave her 2 slices of chocolate cake, made by my 3rd SIL, after dinner and of course she has to end the night with her regular milk fix. She slept through till Monday morning. I'm not sure if it's because she was also too tired from Sunday's activities or she ate well enough.

The hubs & I just can't put a finger on it. Is the cod liver oil giving her a voracious appetite? Or is she seeking comfort? I doubt it is the 2nd one. Well, at least no longer at her age. Most of the time, especially if it's a school day, she knocks out almost as immediate as when the bottle leaves her mouth. And then you hear her snoring.

We've talked to her about it, that she should 'enjoy' her sleep and wake up later to have her milk when it's time to wake up for school. But somehow, that protruding tummy refuses to back down. Everytime we delay making milk for her, she wakes up 1/2 hour later and cries for it. As if to ask, why does it have to take so long? Or is it because most of her friends in playgroup still have their mid-day milk fix while we've taken her off that ever since she started school. I don't know and I hope she'll be back to her normal milk routine soon. :p


  1. Why don't u consider giving her fresh milk for the mid day feed? I know she's one full cream milk already so instead of a formula bottle, maybe a packet of fresh milk?

    It is true how much they eat can scare u. On most days when b is not striking, the amount of porridge he eats is frightful. After that he still can eat my rice and snacks. But so far he seems fine, no projectile or anything. Cod fish oil may increase appetite according to my mums old wives tale. But are u trying to curb her appetite? I think it's good leh... Esp when U are giving her healthy food instead of junk.

    1. Actually, she's already having a lot more milk than average so I think unless, she asks for it, we'll stick to her morning and night feeds.
      No la, we're in now way curbing her appetite. At least not at their age. She's been on cod liver oil for 1 year now, but it's only the past couple of weeks that she's asking for milk mid-sleep. Hiaz...
