The World Cup started in the wee hours of this morning, this part of our world. I was awoken by something and saw that the living room lights were on and called out to the hubs. K, ever the light-sleeper, woke up shortly after at about 4am and couldn't sleep back.
The hubs carried her and brought her out to the living room for a short while before I took over. I sat down with her by the bay window, something she always does whenever she gets awoken in the middle of the night and can't fall back to sleep. Thankfully, it's not a frequent problem but there was once, she went through this phase for a couple of days.
Anyway, she ended up in M's room, sleeping beside her, on the floor. When it was time to wake up for work, I carried her back to our room and she woke up again, despite looking like she was deep in sleep. Because of the commotion, the adults didn't get to sleep well either but thankfully, the hubs and I were still able to leave the house on time.
When K reached the childcare centre, her temperature was slightly high. I took her temperature at home and it was 37 degrees, although I thought she felt a little hot. At about 10ish, a teacher called, K's temperature had shot up to 38.6 and the teachers were showering her.
I'm glad my new Manager is such an understanding boss. She always tells me she has a family and children of her own, so she understands things like that. The ex-bird of a boss has a daughter too but she is far from being empathetic to anyone.
The hubs picked K up from school and I left work at lunch time. This time, I told the hubs no need to bring K to the Doctor's as we have her fever medication at home. When I reached home, M was feeding K and a little while after, the hubs had to return to the office. Thankfully, K slept albeit for an hour. But I felt so productive while I was home! Lol...While she slept, I mopped the floor and even managed to put her clothes to wash and hung them up.
She was so much better by late afternoon that I could bring her to Bev's 21st birthday celebration! We were not 'supposed' to attend it as the hubs had a staff event in the evening but since she was so much better, I decided that we could take a train ride and attend the party. Although I was hesitating about going, worrying that K's fever might return, Bev was wishing that we could make it. Thankfully, K's fever did not return, she enjoyed herself and Jeremy and his family were pleasantly surprised to see us there.
I joked that K had 'keng' mc just so that she can attend her cousin's birthday. Otherwise, it would just be her and me at home while daddy is at work. Lol...