Saturday 24 May 2014

My operandus mondi these days when I reach home is to bring out the meat from the fridge before I change into my home clothes. And still with make-up or melted make-up on my face, I proceed back to the kitchen to wash the rice, put it back in the rice-cooker and then start cooking.

But on Thursday, just as I put on my home clothes, the hubs called to say that he was called up to attend a dialogue and so I speed changed again to pick K up. The chicken that I had taken out was left in the container of water. 

So, like all times when I need to pick K up, we ate out. When I reached home, I didn't forget the chicken. I cut it up in strips, marinated it and back to the fridge it went. 

Yesterday, it was the hubs turn to take care of K while I had a farewell cum welcome department dinner. The hubs also attended a parent teacher conference on his own. K was recently measured in school and now stands at 87cm and at 11.5kg. 87cm! She has less than 100cm to reach the hubs' height! I don't even want to mention about myself anymore. It's pretty obvious why.

Anyhow, dinner was great! We ate at a Japanese restaurant that I had remembered wrongly! But it was still good and cheaper. The one that I wanted to suggest was actually across the road. Lol. 

Today, the 3rd SIL messaged me in the morning to invite us for dinner at their place. When I mentioned this to R, he mentioned that he had wanted to go see his mother. Again! I told him No. He's been going so often and we hardly go to my 3rd brother's anymore. 

And while we were there, we all enjoyed my 3rd SIL's cooking with their newly bought air-fryer and K had fun playing with Esther, who would have been the youngest if not for K. 

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