Sunday 29 July 2018

I was finally able to go for my hair appointment on Friday, after calling it off again on Tuesday because I seemed to be having quite a painful ovulation pain. So the hubs was left to bring the girl for her HYPY class which was rescheduled to Friday because it was the newest niece-in-law's 1 month celebration.

The luncheon was from 11am to 3pm and the hubs had wanted to stay throughout the day, even suggesting to me to have dinner there. But I feel that we should not overstay our welcome because when the function hall is returned, we will have to go up to the youngest BIL's unit and camp there for a couple more hours till dinner time. Besides the youngest BIL was still 'recuperating' from his recent motorcycle accident and the youngest SIL had another pregnancy scare and was resting at home. But the hubs, *rollseyes* somehow did not comprehend but thankfully, was given tickets to watch Arsenal game in Singapore so I was more than happy to let him go watch it with my eldest brother while I brought the girl for her ballet class. The hubs had initial thoughts of letting her skip it!

And on Sunday, we attended a lunch wedding of my cousin's son. Beautiful wedding and they had their parents walk-in before the actual march in of the wedding couple. When they did, they both sang while walking into the hall. I, being so emotional, had tears rolling so freely down my was embarrassing. Thankfully, I had the girl kneel on my laps and so no one could see.

When the lunch ended about 3ish, we were told to help ourselves with the floral decorations, which we did! They spent so much effort in putting up so much floral display and with so exotic flowers. Simply lovely.
And in the evening, we were out again, this time to meet the eldest brother, SIL and her sister who is back visiting from the USA. Usually, she would join our family for National Day celebration in our home but this year, she came earlier so she would also be going back earlier. Just to thank her for always buying gifts for the girl, we decided to treat her for dinner before she heads back. 

And then we head for our annual Sentosa staycation! :)

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