Thursday, 1 June 2017

We are now in the middle of the year. And K is 5, in K1. She goes up to K2 next year and before we know it, she's in for formal education. I feel like I have no time or rather she is running against time to prepare herself for Primary 1.

Thankfully, I have been pretty disciplined in sitting down with her after dinner and going through 'assessment books' which I call activity books with her. They are so fun and are more of an activity than the assessment books of yond. I can instruct her with what to do and then go hang the laundry and she calls out to me when she's done. I'm so thankful for now, she's disciplined and honest like that.

But she also forgets what I taught her even after doing it 1234 times. When we relax on some days, it gets even worse. At times, I raise my voice and then feel bad. I tell myself 1234 times too that she's only 5 and still learning. That's why they can ask you to read the same book every other day. Repetition, refresh and remind. But she's smart too..she picks up quickly. She can read fairly well now.

But I worry if we have enough prep time and if I'm doing enough. I do not send her for any enrichment classes at all. I do not see the need to when I can guide her at home. I want to be the one to teach her as much as I can. She is my responsibility and until that day comes when I fail to be able to teach her then there's really no choice by then. 

I just hope I'm worrying too much.

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