Sunday 10 July 2016

We didn't have any plans yesterday and so I thought I could do the laundry and mopping at a leisure pace but...after a dim-sum breakfast at the market, the hubs went to consult a Doctor. While he went, I allowed K some play time at the playground just downstairs the block. And then up we came for me to do her laundry.

While I was operating the machine, I got her to do some craft work and discussed with her what to do for her teachers for Teacher's  Day in September. We're 1 month+ early but being 4, I felt that she won't be able to get it done for all her teachers in 1 sitting. And she has listed 6 teachers. 

When I was back at the machine, I found that the tap was leaking! And I didn't dare continue it, so I switched it off, messaged the hubs and had to wait. K's clothes were already in the machine. So, I sat down with K, helping her to knot up the bracelets. The pattern was all her own design. So far, she has only made 2 for her teachers, 1 for her cousin Esther jie-jie and another for herself.
Thankfully, the hubs managed to fix the leak when he returned but it did take hell of a long time and not without any frustration. The idiotic plumber had fixed the outlet so closed to the corner that it takes skill to tighten the bolts. And then the hubs told me that the Victors have 'invited' themselves over at 4. So I hurriedly put the laundry up to dry and bathed. 

We haven't caught up with them since they returned from their UK trip and we had a drink at our home before going out for dinner at a nearby diner. 

And today, I brought K and Esther to Chinese Garden to check out a zumba session organised in the park at 5pm. Good thing K took her nap yesterday and today. But these 2 girls didn't want to join in with the exercise and were playing catching instead! I ended up having to watch over my bag and Esther's at the round stone table. So towards the end of the session, I was joining in the zumba session from outside! But having said that, I will not join the group again because I was sweating buckets! I would continue in air-con comfort anytime so hopefully the one in my office building will have regular exercise sessions soon.

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