Thursday 20 November 2014

So, my birthday week has come and gone. Other than an unintentional chocolate mousse cake that Lynn had gotten for me and the hubs and K singing me a birthday song and K insisting on having a candle and blowing it out with me, the whole week just passed by without any other fanfare.

In fact, I wasn't looking forward to it at all! Kenneth said turning the BIG 40 calls for a celebration but really, I do not want to go around announcing the fact that I may be approaching mid-life. Sure, with today's pace of life blah blah blah, mid-life doesn't start at 'mid-life' anymore. Nothing is really much of a norm but still! All I wanted to do was to sleep in and forget that I have ended my 30s.

Some friends are just so sweet to say that I have 'maintained' myself very well and that I do not look 40 at all but how can anyone turn away from reality. 

Ok, let's not talk about this anymore. It just emphasizes what I do not want to be the blaring truth. Life goes on.......and pray, that I do age gracefully or not age at all! Lol.... 

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