Saturday 12 November 2016

We had so many things going on (again) today. We do really have so many things happening on almost every weekend that when we have nothing on, I am secretly happy.

First, we attended the NIL's 8th birthday, at the ice-skating rink near our home. It was FUN to say the least. I am sure the youngest SIL spent quite a bit for this because she paid the entry fee for about 9 kids and 2 adults, just me actually and the BIL who arrived later, rental of boots and then lunch at Nandos. The hubs paid for the 4 skating aids which didn't come cheap at $15 each! The SIL wanted to pay him but the hubs rejected it. Afterall, she would have already spent quite a bit on us all.

I loved it and am amazed, even myself, that I can actually balance. No doubt I had an aid to lean on because K was sitting on it and I had to push her but one still needs to be able to balance on the ice-skates in order to move. I was telling the SIL to try as I didn't fall at all and attributed it to the skating aid but on hindsight, I realise there is still a bit of a balancing act in there. The hubs said I still have it! Heheheh...the last I skated was on those old-school roller skates more than 20 years ago ok! Now I wish I hadn't thrown them away...they were so sexay then.

After about an hour and a half in the rink, we exited and trooped over to the restaurant which was facing the rink. While the rest who didn't/couldn't skate felt cold from the cold air from the rink, I was almost flushed without the sweat because it was quite a work out. We ate, sang the birthday song and K had the cake.

The hubs had left half way when the delivery people called to say that they were on their way to deliver our new fridge and then returned again after. When we got home after the party, the hubs and I quickly cleaned the fridge and left the doors open to clear any smell. And then we were off again, for another birthday party.

This time, a very early 16th birthday for the Victor's oldest girl. The girl met a 2 year old girl in the later part of the evening and had so much fun playing with her. And then she had cake again. I didn't make her eat any dinner because she was still so full after the party in the afternoon which lasted till about 4ish.

Anyway, say welcome to our new fridge!