Tuesday 20 October 2015

Conversations with K

The following conversation between K and the wife of a newly married couple-friend of ours at Hard Rock Cafe, Malacca.

K: Auntie Sarah, do you have baby?
S: No, I do not have baby.
K: Oh, God hasn't given you a baby yet? 
S: Yes, God hasn't given me a baby yet. *Already starting to feel surprised by K*
K: Ok, God will give you a baby soon.
S: *Can only smile*
K: Auntie Sarah, what will you name your baby?
S: I don't know.........

And Sarah goes to tell the hubs and myself about this little conversation that she had with K. Lol...Sarah's husband then tasks K to think of a name starting with the first letter of their names, 1 for a boy and 1 for a girl. Lol....

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