Wednesday, 14 January 2015

When we returned on Sunday, the hubs sent a text through a group whatsapp chat that he created for the family and asked how was the SIL doing. Seems that she was still leaking and was quite heavy.

When I was on my way to work on Monday morning, I saw that the youngest BIL tried to call me twice when my mobile was switched off. Knowing that he sometimes calls me when he can't reach his eldest brother, I called the hubs at work to let him know. Moments later, the hubs called me back to say that the youngest BIL was indeed trying to reach me. They have lost their baby.

I went to see the youngest SIL during lunch time but prior to that, have been messaging the 2nd SIL. Seems like the youngest SIL had given birth prematurely at 24 weeks. She managed to carry her baby from delivery until he passed on, about 4 hours later. The baby was breathing, moving and even hiccuping. But his eyes were still sealed and although externally, he looks developed, internally may not be so yet.

The cremation for baby Roman was carried out yesterday afternoon. Just with family. It is so heartbreaking. And it definitely brings back a lot of other memories for me. Today, they are going to collect the ashes and scatter it at sea.

I just hope now the youngest SIL recuperates well mentally and physically.

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