Friday 12 September 2014

K seems to be on a 'learning spurt' the past few weeks. If there is even such a term for it.

She now knows how to scoot and ride on her balance bike although in the safe confines of our home. I suppose the real test will come when we let her play with them at the park. And just last night, she managed to button and then unbutton her blouse all by herself!

What I realise something that seems like a no-brainer to normal beings can in fact be a challenge to people who have special needs and of course toddlers. It is indeed a tough exercise for the motor skills. I've been teaching her and helping her along and I know it isn't easy for those little fingers to grip the button, hold on to the button hole, push the button into the the button hole while stretching it at the same time and then pushing in the button. So many times she has been frustrated and thankfully it was not the other way round.  But alas, she did it and I gave her her a well-deserved hug. 

A hug that I know she truly appreciated and then looked forward to again when again she managed to unbutton/button herself this morning before I changed her for school.

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