The weekend started off with a trip to the RASF 50th anniversary roadshow near our home. The rain had stopped and while waiting for the hubs to meet us, we went ahead first after ballet lessons. The girl had a fun time there, putting on a kids size uniform and taking a picture of a mock-up plane and having the photo professionally printed and framed. There were air force related souvenirs and she went on the heliopter simulator as well as sitting on daddy's lap while he tried the plane simulator. While waiting for the hubs who went to the opening of a friend's salon, we were at the roadshow for 2 hours!
On Sunday, we 'visited' the previous church because the girl told the hubs that she misses her kuku & kimkim. I say visit because we have only attended the church regularly since January and we are still finding ourselves there, getting used to the church style, so to speak. But we have decided to find a place of worship nearer home now.
So after church on Sunday, we had lunch with the eldest brother and his wife before parting ways. We will definitely miss this bonding sessions.
In the evening, we went over to the hubs' aunt's home at her invitation as they have a Nepali aunt over.
The hubs and I have taken the day off today as the girl's childcare is closed and so we took advantage of it to go to JB. Tim had wanted to bring her out but the hubs had already applied for leave. The eldest brother was supposed to join us too, with the SIL but ended up only the SIL came with us because the brother accidentally put his passport in the wash, after his recent trip to UK! By the time he decided to replace the passport, the new one was not ready yet.
The 4 of us took the CW bus that brought us to a mall in JB but we were quite bored there so the hubs suggested getting a grab to our preferred mall, where I bought some more clothes. Heh. But unfortunately, the supermarket was going through renovation so we didn't get to buy much. Finally, we grabbed to the mall near the check-point and had dinner there before we left for home. First time we 'covered' 3 malls within such a short span of time.
In the morning, when we were heading towards the bus-stop below our block, the strap of my bag gave way and so I tied the strap to the hook instead. Then the other strap gave way after crossing Singapore immigration. In the evening, the handle of the trolley suitcase that the hubs brought along came apart. So when we returned, it was 2 bags to the bin. Lol. What an adventure!
In the morning, when we were heading towards the bus-stop below our block, the strap of my bag gave way and so I tied the strap to the hook instead. Then the other strap gave way after crossing Singapore immigration. In the evening, the handle of the trolley suitcase that the hubs brought along came apart. So when we returned, it was 2 bags to the bin. Lol. What an adventure!
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