Tuesday, 1 May 2018

The 2nd Brother, his wife, the eldest SIL and Tim met us at Jerry's home to help move M's things to her new home. We met up at 10am, and M was still packing her stuff. The 2nd brother told me already they had an argument earlier on because M wants to bring so many stuff over, stuff that she has not used for years! 

As much as we could pack in the 3 grab cars we called for, there are still some more stuff at Jerry's. Even while waiting for the grab to arrive, M picked a fight with the 2nd SIL. Aiyo....she makes it even more so that she cannot stay with anyone. It is best she lives on her own.

The 2nd brother and the hubs helped unpack kitchen stuff and despite bringing them over, M says she will give it to friends but I wonder who will want them. There is even an old Philips equipment that has not been used for more than 10 years, if I remember correctly and a pot that she claims she didn't want but the 3rd SIL pushed it to her. So we distracted her and said we'll help her give it away but the hubs left it by the refuse collection area.

We had lunch at the block just next to hers and after that, I treated everyone there to a durian which was expensive given the lousy quality. 

I think M expected us to stay till dinner but the 2nd brother and SIL wanted to leave especially since the 2nd SIL was involved in the earlier argument with M. But we all left together and M was on her own to unpack her lighter personal belongings.

Esther who was the only one who came with us from Jerry's family came by our home for 2 hours to play with the girl. Just 2 hours but they could play so much and even watched some peppa pig. I also allowed her to open up the other box thinking both her and her cousin will have some fun but it ended up with me admiring it. 
I never had the luxury of owning a playhouse like this when I was younger so I enjoy this. But I guess the girl will spend more time with it when she is alone since this allows solo play. She had her cousin yesterday so better make use of it to play games she would otherwise not able to play alone.

The 3rd SIL came by to pick Esther up in the early evening while the 3 of us took the bus to a mall for dinner. 

And that spelled the end of May Day, where we were not exactly spared from labour. :p

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