Friday, 3 March 2017

If I had a say, we would be at Legoland today and staying at a hotel near Legoland for the night. But, since it's the girls' wish is to celebrate her 5th birthday in school, then it shall be so. Especially since she requested nicely and even asked if we can attend and then bring her home after the 'party'. I tried enticing her with 'It's Legoland.' But it seems that the mummy is more keen than the child.

Legoland was planned for today, earlier than her birthday which falls on Monday, because the childcare happens to be closed. Since Legoland is not to be, the hubs spent the day with the girl. And the girl woke up so early thus the poor hubs who came home late from an event last night had to cut his sleep short too. Note that she will try to sleep in when it's a school going day. *rolls eyes*

As usual, when it's the hubs turn to take the day off, he will bring the girl to visit the MIL. And because the girl woke up even earlier than I did today, she took a nap at the PIL's. Next school closure day, will be my turn.

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