Saturday, 25 March 2017

I am so impressed by my efficiency today.

By 1130am, I've put K's laundry to wash and hang, washed the balcony, magic-cleaned and mopped the house and cooked us lunch! Even managed to get K to do some work and she even had time to play with her dough. 

And when it started raining very heavily during everyone's naptime, everyone except mine, I even managed to clean 1 set of the balcony windows, 1 set of kitchen windows as well as the master bedroom. But the girl had to wake up about 1/2 hour after her nap to go poo poo. I don't even know if she really slept!

I quickly did the house chores and was able to 'peacefully' go out in the evening. We surprised the girl by not telling her where we were heading and she kept asking. 
Yes! We caught up with her friend from the previous childcare because the mother had a good deal for the Flyer. And these 2, had to be forced to look out of the Flyer into the vast scenery before us. Total waste of money I tell ya. But anyway, it's the sort of thing you do once and would probably not do it again. The first time the hubs and I went on the Flyer was on our 2nd anniversary and that is like almost 10 years ago!

From the Flyer, the 2 families walked to Suntec for dinner because the traffic looked pretty bad with the night run that was going to happen. Since the other 2 girls' mother always bring home-cooked food, I did so too just so K won't feel left out.
We left shortly after dinner because our friend was tired. But it was already slightly past 9pm. Anyway, it'll teach her to take her afternoon naps in future but then again, who knows.

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