I was finally able to catch up with
Pauline and her 5 month old prince charming on the last day of my leave. The last time we met was when she invited us to her home for Bradley's baby shower. And babies do go through a lot of changes during those short months.
Getting out of the house was a challenge itself. I decided to take my lunch before feeding baby K and as usual, the hubs woke up early just to prepare our meals. While I packed for the outing, I let baby K play with her building blocks only to regret it later as she was delaying precious time by not wanting to keep them back into the bag. And then when I was ready to finally dress her up, she decided to be cheeky and hide in the corner between her cot and drawers. I told her she could stay there and wait till I returned home but thankfully we managed to leave the house within the next 15 minutes but ended up being late.
Although we only managed a short meet up and couldn't really update each other much, I was glad we did! How our lives have evolved! We knew each other through our previous blog, which we have no access to anymore, talking about our wedding preparation, the dreadful in-laws and life as a married couple. Fast forward more than 5 years and here we are pushing our precious in their stroller!
It feels so surreal! Pauline says she still can't believe that she is a mummy now. Trust me, baby K is coming 19 months and I still find it hard to believe! And to think that both of us didn't want any to begin with and then went through a whole lot of emotions trying for one at a later stage.
Although it was a pleasant change to bring baby K out to catch up with a friend and her baby during a weekday, it wasn't so pleasant witnessing how ungracious people were generally. I even shared this with the hubs and mind you, all you lovers of all things foreign, even the foreigners are guilty of this! Pauline and I had to open the glass doors on our own, take turns to push the strollers in, press the lift door open for each other and well, basically look out for each other. Not that anyone owed us anything and yes, I agree, it's our own responsibility but the simple act of keeping the lift door open for someone is a basic act no? There was only 1 kind soul throughout our 2 hours catch up and just as we were leaving.
As he held the door open and we went on separate ways, I watched as Pauline get into the cab. She slowly put her shopping bags into the cab and thankfully, the stroller could fold at a click of a button. If she had baby K's stroller, she would be in a fix! I then wonder if the cab driver would ever leave the comfort of his seat when he came out just in time to lift the pram into the boot. With so many challenges, it's no surprise many mothers would rather stay at home or just venture downstairs their homes.
As for me, it was a breeze taking the train, as long as the elevators work. And I'm thankful, just for that. :)