Tuesday, 23 January 2018

I took mc last Tuesday because I was having quite a bad cough which came about when we were in Bangkok. Today I am on mc again. I had such a bad stiff neck yesterday, that shot up to a headache, that I threw up thrice! Twice at work and the last when I was walking home from the train station. Good thing I left the office early, it wasn't so crowded then so I could find a corner and throw up. :p
Ok, on to other things.

We attended the girl's classmate's 6th birthday at their home on Saturday. It was straight there after her abacus class and once we arrived, we could eat. It was a very simple affair with home cooked food. Thereafter, the children were left to play with toys. It feels different because we have been spoilt with how some parents really go the mile to celebrate their off-spring's birthdays. When K turned 4, we held it at home and I cooked too. This year, being her last at the childcare and going to different primary schools as would all her friends, we are planning on holding her birthday at a function hall.

The hubs and I have some plans on what to do. Even the girl has asked for cupcakes or muffins and a theme. We shall keep it in suspense first. :) I planned on inviting all her K2 classmates as well as her other friends whom we all know since she was an infant. So, it's going to be a K2 party of sorts. Lol.

Hopefully we get to book the place we want. And hopefully I do not need to take anymore mcs for the year. :p

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