Wednesday, 19 April 2017

On Saturday, the hubs' distant cousin organised a birthday celebration for her step-mum as well as for the hubs' mother, both turning 70 this month. The hubs had gone off to pick his parents before coming back for us. I brought the girl down to play a little at the playground but the hubs arrived shortly after.

It was a lunch celebration at the clubhouse and I had insisted to the hubs that we leave at 3pm but of course, as usual, we never do leave early. After the lunch celebration, we all proceeded back to the home of the relative and thankfully, I have the youngest SIL to talk with. We eventually left at about 4ish and not without the MIL looking at me intently everytime the hubs came to talk to me about waiting a bit more. At the dining table where the seniors were all playing cards, I said to let his mother stay and not rush her if she wants to continue playing. Even the FIL commented that she was wishy-washy. After I came back up from the toilet, the MIL was staying because the 2nd BIL would send her back. At 1 point, I actually asked the hubs why his mother kept staring at me while he was talking to me. Irritating much!

After church on Sunday, the 3 of us rushed off to attend another birthday party. This time for a little girl turning 4. The girl, whose sister's 1 year old birthday recently, had zero guests turning up except for family, The White wife and us. But this time, there were more as they invited the girl's friends from her childcare and the venue was at a indoor play centre where K enjoyed herself with imaginary play.

When the party was over, we proceeded to the Victors'.They had asked us and invited another family for Easter dinner. After dinner, Gaye hid some chocolate eggs and had the few kids search for them in the girls' room. K would not have found any if not for the elder Victor girl's help at all. Lol.

Then she was given some more by the White wife and Gaye. Her first exposure to the commercial world of Easter.

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