Monday, 2 January 2017

Although I had wanted to cook on Friday evening, because we have so much roast beef leftover from Christmas, the hubs managed to convince me to go out. And so we did! I'm glad we did because we bought quite a few pieces of clothing for the girl at a sale and managed to grab 2 pieces for myself from the older kids section. so glad I can still wear them and with some allowance!

I did the usual laundry on Saturday morning and then cooked lunch. Fried Brown Rice with Chinese Sausage and Ham. 
This is the last meal I cooked for 2016 and I had extra so we brought them over to the PIL's. But unfortunately, enough only for 1 so the hubs packet something else for the FIL. We stayed at the PIL's for about an hour and met the hubs' aunt and uncle who happened to drop by while shopping nearby. 

We then left for the White's for a steamboat dinner, which the hubs is not a fan of. But they have been good friends and have tried inviting us once before but we couldn't make it. The Victors joined us later after we were done with our dinner as the place wasn't big enough to have everyone eat together anyway. And then some of us, meaning actually involving me, played playstation, while the hostess and her bff, Gaye, were talking with Deb's mother. And then we counted down at their home and left a little past midnight. The girl literally slept from 2016 into 2017 because it was way past her bedtime. Lol.

And on New Year's Day, we started the year right with church service and the 3rd SIL dropped by our place with Esther to collect some roasted beef that I had offered her. Seeing E play wif K, I suggested that E stay for dinner at our place and then we'll send her home. The 3rd SIL was agreeable thankfully because who knows, with PSLE this year, E may not want to play with K as much when she enters secondary school. After dinner, the hubs decided to drive through Chinatown to take a look at the lights but unfortunately, the lights were not up yet and it was pouring.

And today, I suggested to the hubs to pop by the 2nd BIL's place so that we could pass them whole lot of toys that the girl has out-grown. We ended not keeping any for memory's sake. There are just too many. And so, the hubs arranged for the youngest BIL and we all met there. Unfortunately, I forgot the Christmas presents for the 2 nephews-in-law! We ordered pizza and KFC for dinner and left at about 9ish, sending the MIL home first because she had spent the night there.

That's how our New Year's eve ended and New Year's started. I remember being so excited for the count-down parties pre-K...but now, it only means getting a year older. :p

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