I had to take urgent leave on Monday because there was so much drama that happened early Sunday morning when it was still dark outside.
At about 3am, Sunday morning, K got up and started getting restless. No whining, nothing. We didn't think much of it because she wasn't really disturbing us as she remained on her mattress. And then awhile later, I asked her to come up to the bed thinking she just needs a little cuddle but who is to know, she started throwing up! It was icky brown and smelt like cake!
Needless to say, we or rather I had to remove the bedsheet and pillow cases, wipe the mattress, spray it with Febreeze and wait till it dries before putting a clean sheet. And I had to throw the victimised pillow away. While the bed gets an airing, K goes back to her mattress where she threw up another 3 times? And yes, I had to change her mattress cover as well, not once but twice! I ended up laying her baby muslin cover on the mattress and lying down with her while the hubs still had the dry side of the bed to sleep on.
Initially, the hubs and I thought it could be indigestion. The last time she threw up was when she was about 2 (?) when we were in Malacca with Jeremy, Ivy and Jerry's family. That was due to indigestion. But at 4-5 times, we suspected food poisoning and the hubs and I did not eat the cake at both birthday parties the night before. Poor girl could be sleeping and gets awoken suddenly because the vomit would be coming out.
And the first thing we did at the waking hour was to google a clinic nearby that opens on a Sunday. Needless to say, we had to skip church. Thankfully, we found one within walking distance and felt it good enough for our future consultations. In a way, happy because I've been looking for a clinic good enough to my standards but haven't found any. Not that I frequent Drs but I am just not comfortable with the 2 I've consulted at our neighbourhood.
After the Dr's visit, we walked over to have Macd's breakfast because pancake is not oily nor milky. But poor K threw up awhile after some and as if her tummy wasn't already empty, she even threw up the water she drank.
K slept quite a bit throughout the day and did not have any appetite at all. When she was awake, she'll be hugging her 'puke bin'. The hubs and I concluded that it could be stomach flu because there were no reports from either party that anyone fell sick. At least, that's good to know.
K hit the bed at 7pm and slept all the way till 6ish, Monday morning. And when she woke up, it was to fill her tummy. The monster is back! She 'irritated' me enough for me to threaten her that I'll send her back to school! Yes, my girl is back, all lively and energetic after a day of rest. Lol.
And so because this was an unexpected leave, I didn't bring my mobile charger back home with me and what was meant as a short trip over to Jerry's to charge my phone using Josh's charger, the girl and I ended up having lunch there and me, stealing a snooze.
We went back home despite the rain because I had wanted K to take her nap especially since she was just recovering. When she woke up, I got her to tidy up her play house before we left again to meet the hubs, this time, at IMM for dinner
And look what we bought for Christmas!
Aren't they cute! Lol....Thankfully, the girl is well recovered now. :)