Some 3 weeks back, after the routine morning wash-up for K to prepare her for school, I stood up and felt a sharp pain shooting down my right leg, starting from the middle of my right bum. It became so bad that I couldn't bend at my waist to wash my face or rinse my mouth and it was so painful that I couldn't do so with my right foot flat on the ground. I had to position my right foot as if I was wearing heels.
I did not dare wear my heels for the next few days and the next week, consulted a TCM sports massage practitioner and he had to use the cupping technique on my bum. Not in any position to feel embarrassed here as the pain was worse than the embarrassment. Usually when the glass container is removed and the area is bluish black, it meant that a lot of air had been sucked out. But in my case, it wasn't so....which means it wasn't air. Then the practitioner continued with slapping my butt literally and massaging. The hubs who was there said he could have done the job. :p
Anyhow, I suffered and endured the pain and sometimes it got really bad. When I was on my feet for quite a long while cleaning the new place up, it hit me again. Sometimes, turning in my sleep is a pain in the butt, pun intended literally! However, strange thing was, when I put my heels on, I did not feel the pain! I must be born to walk in them! And when I wore my flats, the pain will return.
So that's the story of the pain that I described to the hubs, which is worse than giving birth to K.
But I wanted to say is, last night, while I was praying with the 3 of us lying on bed, K decided to be cheeky. When I was done, the hubs told K to pray and she did! She prayed to thank God for giving her good health, things that she has heard me pray about. And then, she went on to pray for God to heal my pain. So that Mummy can bend and be ok. I didn't think much of it but thanked her for having me in her prayers.
Today, as I woke up, I declare that the pain has left me! In all seriousness! I'm no charismatic but I'm wearing flats today and although we all pray in our own little ways, haven't we all done it with half-doubt? Then don't. We all need a little or a lot of childlike innocence and believe!