Sunday, 7 December 2014

We're back from our 1 week holiday in Chiangmai! And before that, we or rather, I was so busy that I couldn't find time to blog although what I had wanted to write was constantly on my mind.

We were supposed to kick-start our vacation last Saturday with a staycation. Kenneth's cousin had some staff deal but was cancelled last minute due to some mix-up which was just as well as I hadn't started packing for our trip to Chiangmai. But the Victors, Salahudeens and Cordeiros went ahead with the staycation at another hotel. We brought K over for some pool time and then we had dinner with them.

On Sunday evening, the 3 of us took a train ride to Jeremy's to stay the night as they stay very near the airport. Our suitcase was sent there after church and Jerry's family were already there when we arrived. So technically, our holiday started on Sunday evening for the kids.

While we enjoyed ourselves in Chiangmai, especially on the elephant ride, ride on the ox-cart, bamboo rafting (K was asleep by then and the hubs carried her and waited for us at the final station), I was disappointed with the weather. It wasn't as cold as expected and I had packed for K and myself, trousers and long-sleeved tops! Another thing we had to miss out was the night market. While Jerry and his family seem to shop quite a bit, we were restricted by K's sleep time. Although I must say she was so sweet to allow the hubs and myself 1/2 hour of leg massage while seated in her stroller. Not an easy feat, considering how boring it is. Just imagine yourself being strapped up for 30- 45 minutes, not moving.

On the whole, we had fun and K breezed through the flight and enjoyed herself. Am NOT looking forward to work come Monday.

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