The girl's childcare centre celebrated mid-autumn festival on Friday after school hours. The dinner that we had to pay for was quite insufficient. It was sort of pumpkin rice with 2 small chicken drumsticks but it was quite tasty. The girl, probably excited, did not even finish 1/2 her child's portion.
The children definitely had fun with their friends. The night ended with taking a walk round the estate with lanterns provided by the school. I had brought along K's first lantern when she was not yet 2 but she didn't want to hold it because the LED was getting weak. -_- So she ended up taking the one from school which kept dropping off the stick and ended up not holding it either.
And over the weekends, it was the hubs' turn to be away on an overnight golf game with friends at Batam, a game that he has not played in a long while I must admit. And since it's mummy, the girl stays home. Lol.
It was the usual HYPY and abacus class on Saturday morning, which I am planning to 'suspend' during the months of November and December so that we can spend more time with the girl and to sort of give her a break before she starts primary 1.
I made us lunch after picking her up from the centre, which will become her student care centre in a couple of months time and acceded to her request to watch 'Wizard of Oz' on the laptop. During that time, I napped. Heh. But I did get up to tell her the play that she was watching was running too long and we have to continue another time.
We then went to the library to return and borrow some more books.
And today, we went to church after which we had lunch with the eldest brother only because the SIL was still tired out from the day's event the day earlier. At home, I got the girl to do a craft work which she worked on for almost an hour while I napped. Hahahhaha...
The hubs came back home mid noon and everything is back to normal for us 3. :)